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Are you interested in purchasing trends? Check out some of our research presentations and articles below...

Shopping Values Among Food Consumers for Value-Added Dairy in Kentucky

Recently, Camille Dant [Extension Associate] and Favour Esene [Graduate Research Assistant] presented on Shopping Values Among Food Consumers For Value-Added Dairy In Kentucky. This poster was presented and the Local Food Systems Summit at the University of Kentucky. Highlighting the changing preferences among food consumers for value-added dairy. View the poster here.

Perceptions of Local Sourcing and the Environment

Dr. Tim Woods and his team recently wrote an article discussing a survey that was conducted in early 2023 that explored the values and demand perceptions of Kentucky consumers towards dairy products. Check it out here!

Marketing Kentucky Dairy Products

Click to view Dr. Tim Woods' presentation on Marketing Kentucky Dairy Products.

A Survey of Pennsylvania Value-Added Dairy Processing

This article summarizes a "state of the industry" survey on enterprise-level production, business, and marketing practices being utilized by Pennsylvania small-scale and farmstead value-added dairy processors. The survey was conducted in early 2020. While this data is focused on Pennsylvania value-added dairy processors, there is great information to glean from our friends up north.