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Join us for the MarketReady Producer Training: Session 3!

Training Information: The MarketReady Producer Training Program is a free (when held virtually), educational program for farmers and producers, processors, county extension agents, etc. interested in selling their products (fresh produce, value-added items, etc.) to restaurants, grocers/wholesalers/retailers, and schools. This national program, developed by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, will provide participants with the tools for business success. Producers and farmers should feel confident about what is being asked of them by potential buyers (restaurants, grocers, schools, etc.) after this training. This program provides extension agents with the knowledge and tools to assist farmers and producers in their county who are interested in selling to restaurants, grocers, schools, etc. 

Below, you may register for the virtual November 11th training date which is one of the three virtual training sessions we are offering this fall. Each training is 90 minutes and will cover the same material, but offered at different times to hopefully provide a training time that works best for everyone. Each training will be limited to 30 participants -- so be sure to register soon! You may register up to 24 hours prior to the training date; however, registration for those who wish to receive printed materials (which is optional) needs to be completed by November 1st. 

Date & Time: Friday, November 11th at 11:30 AM EST. 

Location:  This training will take place virtually via Zoom. The Zoom link will be emailed out with your registration confirmation. 

Cost: This training is free for producers to attend! We do ask you to please RSVP with the link below. 

Please note: this is not going to be a recorded presentation, so please join us live for the training.

Registration: please RSVP via the webform below. Please direct all questions and concerns to Savannah Columbia --

Please view the training flyer below:

training flyer

Want to join us? RSVP here!

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